Everything You Need To Know About Fixing Microblading Issues

Here at Your Eyes Only we commonly get asked to fix up work done at other clinics, in some rare cases, we can work over existing tattooing, however, in most cases, removal of the current pigment needs to be done prior to booking in a new session.

One of the most common things we see are the wrong colours used and the wrong brow shape/style for the clients face shape. Although corrective brow treatments can be an option, it is not a simple process (i’ll outline the why below). Today I want to talk about what’s involved with correcting cosmetic tattooing, what to do if the pigment has migrated, and options for removing the pigment if it’s needed.

Often removing previous brow pigment is necessary before having further treatment done, yes this may not be ideal and can also add to the cost of your brows, as you may want your brows fixed as soon as possible. However 90% of the time it is necessary before having further treatment done. This will ensure the best long term outcome and prevent the underlying pigment from becoming a bigger issue down the track.

Unfortunately, cosmetic tattooing carries risks, and in the wrong hands, malpractice can occur. This post is in NO way saying that other salons or brow artists do not perform treatments to the best of their ability, However, due to no adequate regulation in the cosmetic tattoo and beauty industry, there are providers offering procedures for which they are not sufficiently trained, nor insured to perform. As such, this has resulted in a rise in ‘botched’ treatments and an increase in adverse events. 

Our studio uses a specific method of Microblading and Cosmetic tattooing that may not be compatible with your current work. You can read more about our Microblading techniques here.

So without further ado, here is a list of the most common questions I get about this process. 

Why would I remove my cosmetic tattooing before getting it fixed?

We recommend removing the existing tattoo for the following circumstances:

  • The pigment has been implanted too deep

  • The wrong shape has been created for your face i.e too thick, too high, too low. To create a new shape, the current pigment will need to be more than 80% faded or removed.

  • Misplacement of the cosmetic tattooing, resulting in a poor cosmetic appearance

  • Migration of cosmetic tattoo pigment

  • The wrong pigment being used for the brow area

Can all cosmetic tattooing be removed?

Not all cosmetic tattooing can be removed. If the pigment has been used too deep, or a cheap brand of pigment, removing the colour can be a lengthy process. Some may need 3-8 sessions to remove the pigment enough so it’s no longer visible.

Other fillers which are semi-permanent, such as those marketed as collagen stimulators cannot be reversed or corrected in this way. 

What is used to remove the pigment?

There are two methods of pigment removal - laser and saline. It depends on what needs to be removed as to which treatment you will need.

Saline Cosmetic tattoo removal is a salt-based solution that is applied to the pigment, as the area heals, the saline solution will draw out the pigment and take it away. Typically treatments are spaced 6-10 weeks apart depending on your skin type.

Laser removal is the more traditional form of tattoo removal. The laser will pulse over the pigmented area or just the area that you would like removed.

Will it affect my existing brow hair?

With laser- there is a chance it can affect your eyebrow hair. With saline - you may temporarily have some brow hair fall out, however, it returns as the new hair growth cycle comes through.

Are there risks?

Removing cosmetic tattooing must be performed in a medical setting. It’s best to have a consultation at the clinic before booking in so you can get all the information. Removing tattooing comes with risks and you should also go somewhere reputable.

How many treatments do I need?

Clients need to note that the corrective and revision process may take time with multiple treatments required.

For certain types of pigment (brand names cannot be mentioned), more sessions may be needed due to the way the pigments are manufactured. The layer of skin the ink has been used, as well as how long the filler has been present can also impact the success of treatment. Deeper pigment may need 3 to 4 sessions of removing before full resolution. These are often performed every 8-12 weeks.

Can my current cosmetic tattoo lighten on its own?

In some cases, yes they can. Proper brow pigment is designed to last 1-3 years, so if you wait it out your brows may lighten enough on their own, without the need for removal sessions.

How will I know my brows are light enough to be redone?

As a guide, you want the previous cosmetic tattoo or Microblading to be 80% faded, it needs to be barely visible to the naked eye. In some cases, if the pigment used is high grade, we can re-do the brows when they are 60% faded. The best way for us to check Is to book a consultation here, so we can assess your current pigment and see if you are a good candidate for our corrective techniques.


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